rQ MagSi-NA Pathogens

Automation-ready total nucleic acid extraction for pathogen detection

rQ MagSi-NA Pathogens is an automation-ready-to-use kit for pathogen DNA and RNA extraction from a variety of sample materials like serum, plasma, oropharyngeal/nasopharyngeal swabs, or any other respiratory samples. It is based on the proven, market-leading MagSi-NA Pathogens kit. Components are delivered pre-filled in deepwell plates to be directly used in PurePrep 96, 32, 16 or KingFisher automated, nucleic acid purification systems.


  • Conveniently pre-filled in plate formats
  • Minimal hands-on time; Less errors
  • More consistent and reproducible results
  • Consistently high yield of viral RNA
  • Very strong magnetic beads enable fast magnetic separation even from viscous sample lysates
  • Suitable for many enzymatic down-stream applications in particular RT-qPCR and sequencing
  • Run time on PurePrep systems is about 20 min
  • Ready-to-use on PurePrep 96, PurePrep 32/16 or KingFisher automated nucleic acid purification systems
  • Based on the proven, market-leading MagSi-NA Pathogens kit

Technical data

Figure 1. Variable amounts of MS phage RNA were spiked to human serum samples. MS2 RNA was detected using a qRT-PCR assay. High recovery rates were obtained with reference to the spiked RNA (Input) and in comparison to a competitive kit (Product G).

Figure 2. Variable amounts of lambda DNA were spiked to human serum samples. Lambda DNA was detected using a qPCR assay. High recovery rates were obtained with reference to the spiked DNA (input) and in comparison to a competitive kit (Product G).

Figure 3. Variable amounts of SARS-CoV-2 positive saliva samples were diluted in SARS-CoV-2 negative saliva. RNA target sequences for SARS-CoV-2 (S- and N2-gene) were detected using a qRT-PCR assay. Homogeneous amplification of the endogenous control gene (IC, beta-Actin) was obtained in all samples, indicating absence of PCR inhibition.




Product leaflet - rQ MagSi-NA Pathogens

Manual - rQ MagSi-NA Pathogens

Magtivio catalog

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