MagSi-DX Pathogen

CE-IVD Viral RNA Extraction

Viral RNA extraction for IVD quickly became the hottest topic in town during the Covid-19 pandemic. We offered our already available MagSi-DNA Pathogens kit and have it now CE-IVD approved under IVDR as MagSi-DX Pathogen.

MagSi-DX Pathogen is intended to be used for viral RNA extraction for IVD. The kit can be used with human respiratory swabs and saliva. The kit is designed to be used with any downstream application with amplification and detection of viral RNA (in particular RT-qPCR, sequencing). It has been CE-IVD validated for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic workflows.


  • CE-IVD marked
  • Validated for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics workflows
  • Short protocols, complete processing at room temperature possible
  • Consistently high yield of viral RNA
  • Very strong magnetic beads enable fast magnetic separation even from viscous sample lysates
  • Suitable for many enzymatic down-stream applications in particular RT-qPCR and sequencing
  • Preparation time for 96 samples: <30 min
  • Easy to automate with e.g. PurePrep systems
  • Samples can be collected with various sample collection devices

Technical data

Figure 1. Linearity of RT-qPCR results after extraction of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from samples included in SARS-CoV-2 Analytical Q Panel (Qnostics), diluted in negative saliva.

Figure 2. Comparison of Cts obtained from four dilutions of positive samples after RNA extraction with MagSi-DX Pathogen and two competitor products and RT-qPCR.


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