MagSi-DNA Body Fluid

Extraction of genomic DNA from bodily fluids

Biological samples like blood, saliva, and swabs are key for detecting medical conditions and revolutionizing forensic science. From HIV and hepatitis to cancer and parentage testing, these samples have helped healthcare professionals better diagnose and treat conditions. DNA sampling especially enables important research into underlying causes of diseases and can lead to more effective personalized care.

MagSi-DNA Body Fluid allows fast and cost-effective extraction of genomic DNA from blood, saliva or swab samples. The magnetic bead-based kit can be used on fresh or frozen whole blood, fresh or preserved saliva samples or swab wash solutions.

The ready-to-use reagents and simple protocol are convenient in use and easy to automate. As a linear volume to volume ratio is used between sample and reagents, it is possible to use the kit in any situation where high quality genomic DNA is needed.


  • Short protocols, complete processing at room temperature possible
  • Consistently high yield of DNA
  • Excellent purity A260/280>1.7, A260/230>1.5
  • Suitable for many genomic applications including PCR, DNA sequencing
  • Preparation time for 96 samples: 30 min*

Easy to automate

  • Compatible with many different automated liquid handling systems (e.g KingFisherTM, PrimaRWS®, PIPETMAX® and JANUS®)
  • Short and easy protocols
  • Suitable for small, medium and high-throughput automation
  • Variable volume sample input possible

Technical data

Please refer to the Application Notes of the MagSi-DNA Body Fluid kit in the Resources tab.


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