As an ISO 13485 compliant company, magtivio is driven to support IVD manufacturers according to the highest quality standards. The components of our CE-marked validated MagSi-DX Pathogen kit and our other kits are available as OEM building blocks for your unique IVD product. For a detailed overview of our expert-driven stepwise approach to OEM, please visit our OEM/Private Label page.
Our MagSi-DX Pathogen is a CE-marked viral RNA extraction kit designed for high-yield, rapid processing of respiratory swabs and saliva for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic workflows. Compatible
with RT-qPCR and sequencing, it features short, room-temperature protocols and strong magnetic beads for efficient separation, making it easy to automate and ideal for high-throughput labs.
Interested in quality diagnostics workflows with for high-yield, rapid processing of respiratory swabs and saliva?